Pet Panic (Supply) Hotline
Pet Panic (Pet Supply) Hotline
Store address:
Pet Pangaea LLC
158 Central Park Square
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Mailing address:
Pet Pangaea LLC
PO Box 596
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Store phone numbers:
(505) 661-1010
Our fax number is:
(505) 412-6149

If you have a pet medical emergency, please call your veterinarian immediately or, after hours, the fantastic vets at the Animal Clinic of Los Alamos (ACLA) offer emergency services until 10 PM on weeknights. The phone number for the ACLA is (505) 662-6622. The ACLA afterhours emergency number, available until 10 PM on weeknights, is 412-8263 (TAME).

An emergency vet in Santa Fe also exists 24 hours/365 days a year at the Veterinary Emergency Centers & Speciality Centers LLC at 2001 Vivigen Way in Santa Fe. Their phone number is (505) 984-0625.

If you have a pet supply emergency and Pet Pangaea is closed, don't despair! We might be able to help. Just call us at 661-1010 leaving your name and phone number where we can call you back. We will return all inquiries as soon as we can.

So, if Rover has a run-in with a skunk and you need some skunk odor remover at 1 AM or you discover at 9 PM that you are out of the only food your finicky feline finds fit to eat, please contact us. If we aren't out of town or otherwise unavailable, we will get back to you immediately and can get your supply to you.

Pet Pangaea General Store Information

We are located at 190 Central Park Square, Suite 121. Our phone number is (505) 661-1010.
Hours :: Tuesday-Saturday 10am to 6pm

If you have a pet supply emergency after hours, please contact us through our pet panic hotline.

If you would prefer to shop at a different time, please let us know, either through the "Contact Us" link above or in person at the store.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you better.

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